Foreign Policy
Arab Peace Initiative II: How Arab Leadership Could Design a Peace Plan in Israel and Palestine

Past peace processes in Israel and Palestine showed what makes negotiations work. This time, Arab governments are uniquely positioned to broker a lasting peace.

· November 17, 2023
In The Media
in the media
Central Asian Leaders Meet To Discuss Russia, Climate Change, And More

The presidents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan met in Dushanbe on September 14-15 at a time of great uncertainty in Central Asia.

· September 17, 2023
Radio Free Europe
Another Tapering Off of Tensions?

In an interview, H. A. Hellyer explains the context of Egyptian-Iranian relations, which may be closer to normalization.

· June 21, 2023
The Turkish Election Could Reset Ankara’s Relations With the West

If the opposition wins, Washington and Brussels should be prepared to seize the opportunity.

· May 9, 2023
How the United States Can—and Should—Continue to Support Tunisia

Washington may be tempted to give up after Tunis’s democratic backsliding, but instead it should use targeted actions that have worked in other countries.

· May 4, 2023
The Potential Inroads and Pitfalls of China’s Foray Into Middle East Diplomacy

Beijing’s success will depend on the policies of regional actors—particularly Iran.

· March 20, 2023