How Serious Are Ukrainian Drone Attacks for Russia?

If the scale of Ukrainian drone attacks is maintained at the levels of March and Russian air defenses do not improve, Ukraine will be able to keep damaging Russian refineries faster than they can be fixed, slowly but steadily eroding the country’s refining capacity.

· April 5, 2024
Russia’s Outrage Over U.S. Strikes Against Houthis Is Just Bluster

Moscow has little to gain from a major flare-up in the Red Sea, which means Washington’s efforts to stop Houthi attacks on shipping are likely to be quietly welcomed.

· January 19, 2024
Podcast: What Does Russia Stand to Gain From the Israel-Hamas War?

Carnegie Politika podcast host Alex Gabuev is joined by Dr. Hanna Notte, director of the Eurasia Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies and a senior non-resident scholar at CSIS, to discuss Russia's position on the conflict in the Middle East.

· November 9, 2023
Can There Be Lasting Peace Between Armenia and Azerbaijan?

Instead of Russian and Western drafts of a peace treaty, there will now only be one: Azerbaijan’s.

· October 27, 2023
Why Russia and Hamas Are Growing Closer

Moscow’s relationship with the militant group Hamas is part of a Middle East strategy meant to boost its standing in the Global South: an effort that has long involved building ties with both Israel and its sworn enemies.

· October 25, 2023
Russia’s Withdrawal From the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Is an Own Goal

Russia doesn’t stand to gain anything from de-ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, but friends and foes alike will reap the benefits of its decision.

· October 24, 2023