
Iran: What's Next?

Fri. November 5th, 2004
Washington, D.C.

The The United States faces mounting concerns about Iran’s quest for a nuclear fuel cycle and the escalating insurgency in Iraq. Listen to a discussion on the prospects for moving beyond the current – and quite possibly dangerous – stalemate in U.S-Iranian relations.

The panel features presentations from Hadi Semati, Visiting Scholar at Carnegie, and Abbas Milani, Hoover Institution Research Fellow. Long time observers of Iranian politics, Semati and Milani tackle the following key question: can a policy of engagement offer the U.S. an effective means of addressing the political and security challenges posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran?

Also speaking: Carla Robbins, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent of the Wall Street Journal, and Ellen Laipson, President of the Henry L. Stimson Center. Daniel Brumberg will moderate the discussion.

event speakers

M. Hadi Semati

Visiting Scholar

Abbas Milani

Carla Robbins

Ellen Laipson

Daniel Brumberg

Senior Associate