Peter Spiegel
The Financial Times

All work from Peter Spiegel

5 Results
In Conversation With NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen
September 15, 2014

As NATO faces multiple security challenges—from a revisionist Russia in the East to Islamic extremism in the South—it is time for a real strategic debate.

  • Anders Fogh Rasmussen
  • Peter Spiegel
  • Jan Techau
Europe’s Uncertain Foreign Policy Legacy
January 21, 2014

The European Union is mired in the worst crisis it has seen for many decades. This threatens to undercut the EU’s ambitions to develop a coherent and active foreign policy.

The Chicago Summit and NATO's New Challenges
May 8, 2012

The next years will see most, if not all, of NATO's major military operations draw down as the Alliance finds itself, for the first time in twenty years, without a major operation to run.

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  • Lisa Aronsson
  • Jamie Shea
  • Peter Spiegel
  • Jan Techau
The Importance of Hard Power

Europe should not ignore its still formidable military power and its historical ties to certain parts of the developing world in an attempt to build a new, soft, Brussels-based power.

  • Peter Spiegel
· September 14, 2011
Europe's Decline and Fall: The Struggle Against Global Irrelevance
December 14, 2010

With the ratification of the Lisbon treaty, the EU had hoped to develop the infrastructure to handle the challenges of the twenty-first century world, but recent developments have sparked widespread talk of Europe's relative decline.

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