Rust Deming

All work from Rust Deming

2 Results
Tokyo’s Tiptoe Around U.S. Political Turmoil: Past and Present
November 1, 2018

Opinion polls in both Japan and the United States show continued strong support for their security alliance and economic relationship, but Trump administration trade policies, its withdrawal from international agreements, and its undermining of multilateral institutions is stressing bilateral ties in ways not seen in decades.

Managing Nuclear Crisis: Japan-U.S. Cooperation at Fukushima
October 4, 2012

In July 2011, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation launched a project assessing the Japan-U.S. response to the Fukushima nuclear crisis.

  • +2
  • Richard Love
  • Rust Deming
  • James L. Schoff
  • Heigo Sato
  • Nobumasa Akiyama