
Sameer Lalwani on India-U.S. Defense-Industrial Cooperation

by Rahul Bhatia and Sameer Lalwani
Published on July 27, 2023


In this episode of Interpreting India, Sameer Lalwani joins Rahul Bhatia to discuss India-U.S. defense-industrial cooperation. What is the scope of defense-industrial cooperation between the two countries? Why have past efforts produced suboptimal results? What is the significance of the newly launched India-United States Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X)? What are the likely obstacles to furthering defense-industrial cooperation between the two countries?


Defense cooperation is central to the India-U.S. partnership, and it has served as a key enabler for stronger collaboration at the multilateral level. While defense ties between the two countries have gone from strength to strength over the last two decades, defense-industrial cooperation has notably failed to take off thus far. However, of late, the two countries have made a renewed push toward furthering defense-industrial cooperation. They released a roadmap in June 2023, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent state visit to the United States has given the process further impetus.