Eastern Europe
Why President Zelensky Is Purging His Inner Circle

Zelensky and Yermak find themselves tied to one another and somewhat interdependent: the former on the staffing policy of his head of administration, the latter on the political survival of his patron.

· April 15, 2024
How Serious Are Ukrainian Drone Attacks for Russia?

If the scale of Ukrainian drone attacks is maintained at the levels of March and Russian air defenses do not improve, Ukraine will be able to keep damaging Russian refineries faster than they can be fixed, slowly but steadily eroding the country’s refining capacity.

· April 5, 2024
Getting Off the Back Foot: Guiding Principles for a Proactive Western Strategy on Belarus

Western leaders’ apathy and lack of interest in Belarus risk creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that leaves Belarus trapped in Moscow’s smothering embrace more or less indefinitely. This paper identifies options for a more effective Western strategy that takes into account existing opportunities and limitations.

· April 4, 2024
Is Zelensky’s Legitimacy Really At Risk?

Ukraine’s decision not to hold presidential elections amid the Russian invasion and martial law has raised sensitive questions about Zelensky’s position.

· April 3, 2024
Transnistria Ups the Ante Amid Creeping Pressure From Moldova

An extraordinary parliamentary session in Transnistria was a bid to attract international attention and a signal that the de facto state is ready to escalate.

· February 29, 2024
Rehearsing Repression: Belarus Takes No Chances in First Vote Since 2020 Unrest

As far as the Belarusian regime is concerned, the threat comes not from its own society, but from external enemies who will use every opportunity to repeat the mass unrest of 2020. That means that every possible weak spot must be shored up.

· February 28, 2024