An Iraqi Path to Prosperity?

In an interview, Harith Hasan discusses Baghdad’s Development Road project, and sees obstacles ahead.

· March 12, 2024
Iraq’s Development Road: Geopolitics, Rentierism, and Border Connectivity

For the Iraqi government to address skeptics’ views about the Development Road, it will need to focus on several key institutional reforms.

· March 11, 2024
The Geopolitics of Economic Development in the Middle East

To create an environment more conducive to cooperation and development, U.S. and Chinese efforts should seek the endorsement of neighboring countries and regional organizations. Otherwise, regional and geopolitical rivalries will remain barriers.

· February 15, 2024
Economic Injustice is Anchoring Itself in the Arab World

The Middle East and North Africa is characterized by inequalities, and this will have profound consequences for economic growth, social cohesion, and, ultimately, political stability in the region.

· February 2, 2024
The World in Focus: Uncertainty and the Global Outlook for 2024
January 31, 2024

In order to explore the complexities of our rapidly changing world, the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center will examine pressing global issues through four engaging panel discussions in a one-day event, under the collective title, “The World in Focus: Uncertainty and the Global Outlook for 2024.”

Misfortune to Marginalization: The Geopolitical Impact of Structural Economic Failings in Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon

The food, energy, and debt crises in the Middle East and North Africa have exacerbated structural economic weaknesses of low- and middle-income countries—particularly Egypt, Tunisia, and Lebanon—creating mounting pressure on domestic political orders and worsening these countries’ geopolitical marginalization.

· January 8, 2024