Insightful analysis from some of Europe’s keenest international affairs observers.

About Strategic Europe

Judy Dempsey’s Strategic Europe offers insightful analysis, fresh commentary, and concrete policy recommendations from some of Europe’s keenest international affairs observers.


2138 Results
Judy Asks: Will Enlargement Spur EU Reform?

To prepare for a larger union, the EU needs institutional reform. But enlargement and deeper integration have always gone hand in hand and should not be seen as mutually exclusive.

· June 27, 2024
France’s High-Stakes Election Showdown

With a snap legislative election approaching, French politics is in turmoil. The vote’s outcome will impact the nation’s role in Europe, NATO, and transatlantic relations.

  • François Heisbourg
· June 25, 2024
Europe’s New Leadership Faces a Teamwork Test

The incoming EU leadership will have to navigate political turbulence and internal power dynamics. Working together as a real team would help in tackling the challenges ahead.

· June 20, 2024
The Timely Revival of the Weimar Triangle

France, Germany, and Poland have concrete ideas for making EU foreign policy more coherent and effective. The union’s incoming leadership should use these proposals to strengthen the bloc.

· June 18, 2024
Judy Asks: Is the EU’s Agenda in Jeopardy?

A stronger far-right presence in the European Parliament could put a brake on some EU policies. But the main test to the bloc’s stability and global role may come from the rise of nationalist politics in France and Germany.

· June 13, 2024
Zelensky’s Diplomatic Offensive

This week’s political conferences will highlight Ukraine’s threefold challenge of wartime resilience, recovery, and EU accession. Kyiv’s partners must adjust to thinking in all three dimensions simultaneously.

· June 11, 2024
De-Europeanization in the EU’s Neighborhood

Being pro-EU does not win politicians many votes in the Western Balkans and the Caucasus. There, Viktor Orbán’s version of an illiberal Europe appears to be the union’s top-rated political export.

· June 6, 2024
Germany at a Crossroads

Europe’s biggest economy is struggling to cope with a rapidly changing geopolitical environment. Chancellor Scholz has yet to provide the necessary leadership.

· June 4, 2024
Judy Asks: Should the EU Recognize a Palestinian State Now?

The recognition of a Palestinian state remains a highly divisive issue among European governments. Even if EU member states reached consensus, the value of such a move would be largely symbolic.

· May 30, 2024
The UK Braces for a Change of Direction

Britain’s Labour party looks set to win July’s general election. In recalibrating the country’s foreign policy, Keir Starmer’s government intends to work more closely with the EU while tackling global challenges.

· May 28, 2024