
The Reality of Hope—Obama and Europe after the Inauguration

Wed. January 21st, 2009


Public debate co-hosted with the LSE IDEAS Transatlantic Project.

As Barack Obama prepares for the daunting inbox of challenges awaiting him after his inauguration, his administration faces both unprecedented enthusiasm and expectations from Europe. The question remains, however, as to what extent the U.S. and Europe are ready to fulfill each other’s expectations, interests and needs for collaboration to address global issues like stability in South East Asia and Afghanistan, peace in the Middle East, climate change, and rebuilding the global economy.

Robert Kagan and other noted participants discussed the realistic prospects for the transatlantic partners to address those defining issues more effectively.


Michael Cox is a professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE) and co-Director of LSE IDEAS.

Charles Grant
Charles Grant is the Director of the Centre for European Reform, an independent think-tank that is dedicated to promoting a reform agenda within the European Union. He is the author of numerous publications on transatlantic relations and the future of Europe, and is a regular contributor to the Financial Times and The Guardian.

Robert Kagan is a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He has published several award winning books, including, most recently, Of Paradise and Power, The Return of History and The End of Dreams, and Dangerous Nation: America’s Place in the World from its Earliest Days to the Dawn of the 20th Century. Robert Kagan writes a monthly column on world affairs for the Washington Post, and is a contributing editor at both the Weekly Standard and the New Republic.

Robin Niblett is the Director of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), a thin- tank dedicated to addressing the most pressing global issues. Robin Niblett is a noted commentator on international affairs, with particular expertise on the transatlantic relationship.

Fabrice Pothier is the Director of Carnegie Europe.

Gideon Rachman is the Chief Foreign Affairs commentator at the Financial Times. Prior to his current position, he spent 15 years working with The Economist. He has written extensively on subjects from U.S. foreign policy and Europe to Globalisation

event speakers

Michael Cox

Charles Grant

Robert Kagan

Senior Associate

Kagan, author of the recent book, The Return of History and the End of Dreams (Knopf 2008), writes a monthly column on world affairs for the Washington Post and is a contributing editor at both the Weekly Standard and the New Republic.

Robin Niblett

Chatham House

Fabrice Pothier

Director, Carnegie Europe

Pothier, director of Carnegie Europe, is a noted commentator on European policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan, transatlantic issues, and global drug policy.

Gideon Rachman

Gideon Rachman is a chief foreign affairs commentator for the Financial Times.