
Chinese Nuclear Thinking: U.S. Perspectives

Thu. May 5th, 2016
Washington, DC

Chinese nuclear experts think about nuclear weapons very differently from their U.S. counterparts. They use different terminology and contrasting security paradigms to discuss and make decisions on nuclear policy. How can Washington and Beijing promote an effective dialogue and shared understanding despite their disparate approaches?

Carnegie hosted the latest discussion in our series on Chinese nuclear thinking. Li Bin presented the findings of his recent, groundbreaking ‪‪article‬‬‬‬‬‬ on the topic, Linton Brooks commented, and Rose Gottemoeller offered remarks on the Sino-U.S. dialogue on nuclear issues. Carnegie President William J. Burns introduced the event, and Evan Medeiros moderated

This event was been rescheduled from January 22, 2016. 

William J. Burns

William J. Burns is president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He previously served as U.S. deputy secretary of state.

Li Bin

Li Bin is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a professor of international relations at Tsinghua University.

Rose E. Gottemoeller

Rose E. Gottemoeller is U.S. undersecretary of state for arms control and international security.

Linton Brooks

Linton Brooks is a senior adviser at CSIS, a distinguished research fellow at the National Defense University, and an adviser to four of the U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories.

Evan S. Medeiros

Evan S. Medeiros is a nonresident senior associate in the Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

event speakers

William J. Burns was president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He previously served as U.S. deputy secretary of state.

Li Bin

Senior Fellow, Nuclear Policy Program and Asia Program

Li was a senior fellow working jointly in the Nuclear Policy Program and Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Rose Gottemoeller

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Nuclear Policy Program

Rose Gottemoeller is a nonresident senior fellow in Carnegie’s Nuclear Policy Program. She also serves as lecturer at Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.

Linton Brooks

Evan S. Medeiros

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Asia Program

Evan S. Medeiros is a nonresident senior fellow in the Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.