
What Europe Should Do to Advance Climate Action

Thu. November 26th, 2020
Live Online

Advancing climate action is one of the overarching priorities of both the European Green Deal and the EU’s coronavirus recovery fund, but varying levels of urgency in different national contexts hinder progress.

To effectively mobilize European citizens, EU leaders will need to go beyond the existing soft consensus on climate change and implement strategic, country-specific action plans.

Carnegie Europe, d|part, and the Open Society European Policy Institute are delighted to invite you to a virtual event for the launch of From Climate Awareness to Climate Action, a report that takes stock of climate-change perceptions in seven European countries and identifies policies that could generate broad public support for climate action.

Tune in for a conversation with Jan Eichhorn the report’s author, who will be joined by Jori Keijsper and Claire Mellier. Heather Grabbe will moderate.

To submit a question for the event, please use the YouTube chat, email brussels@ceip.org, or tweet at us @Carnegie_Europe.

This event is hosted in partnership with d|part and the Open Society European Policy Institute


event speakers

Jan Eichhorn

Eichhorn is research director of d|part.

Jori Keijsper

Keijsper is communication advisor to Frans Timmermans, executive vice-president of the European Commission for the European Green Deal.

Claire Mellier

Mellier is a researcher and facilitator. She was part of the facilitation team at Climate Assembly UK and one of the accredited researchers who observed France’s Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat.

Heather Grabbe

Grabbe is director of the Open Society European Policy Institute.