Patricia Lewis

All work from Patricia Lewis

3 Results
Verification: Common Ground and Emerging Controversies
April 6, 2009

Experts discuss what common ground on verification is emerging, what disputes appear likely, and if a new relationship can be forged between intelligence gathering and verification regimes.

  • +2
  • James M. Acton
  • Patricia Lewis
  • Amb. Linton Brooks
  • James Doyle
  • Angela Woodward
Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate

A distinguished group of experts from thirteen countries explore how to overcome obstacles to nuclear disarmament and pose questions that require further official and nongovernmental deliberation.

  • +17
  • George Perkovich
  • James M. Acton
  • Lawrence Freedman
  • Frank Miller
  • Jonathan Schell
  • Brad Roberts
  • Harald Müller
  • Bruno Tertrais
  • Achilles Zaluar
  • Scott Sagan
  • Takaya Suto
  • Hirofumi Tosaki
  • James E. Doyle
  • Patricia Lewis
  • Ian Hore-Lacy
  • Pan Zhenqiang
  • V.R. Raghavan
  • Sameh Aboul-Enein
  • Ernesto Zedillo
  • Zia Mian
· February 13, 2009
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
In the Media
The Vantage Point

In this paper commissioned by the International Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, George Perkovich and Patricia Lewis identify possible nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation steps that could take the world in the mid-term to a position from which the latter steps toward abolition of nuclear weapons could be charted.

· January 1, 2009
ICNND Research Paper