Robin Niblett
Chatham House

All work from Robin Niblett

4 Results
A New Ambition for Europe
November 20, 2014

With a new EU foreign policy high representative coming into office, it is high time for the EU to become the strategic actor it has set out to be.

  • +3
Collective Defense and Common Security: Twin Pillars of the Atlantic Alliance

Even as the scars of the economic crisis and the siren call of populist politicians tempt them to turn inwards, governments must reaffirm the value of the Atlantic Alliance.

  • +7
  • Sinan Ülgen
  • Martin Butora
  • Ivo Daalder
  • Camille Grand
  • Robin Niblett
  • Ana Palacio
  • Roland Paris
  • Volker Perthes
  • Nathalie Tocci
  • Marcin Zaborowski
· June 11, 2014
Strategic Europe: Still a Civilian Power

In order to become a more competitive global actor, it is crucial that the EU first stabilize its economy and achieve a period of sustained growth.

  • Robin Niblett
· October 5, 2011
The Reality of Hope—Obama and Europe after the Inauguration
January 21, 2009

Robert Kagan led a public discussion on the future of the transatlantic relationship under an Obama administration and its capability to address global challenges.

  • +3