
The Transatlantic Relationship Has Been Irreparably Damaged

Rising populism and inequality, coupled with surprising election outcomes in the United States and Europe, may signal an end to this historic transatlantic relationship.

by Federiga BindiConstanze StelzenmüllerJohn J. MearsheimerCarla Norrlof, and John Donvan
published by
Intelligence Squared U.S.
 on June 28, 2019

Source: Intelligence Squared U.S.

The transatlantic relationship has been a hallmark of the liberal international order for decades and, for many, a source of global peace and stability. But rising populism and inequality, coupled with surprising election outcomes in the United States and Europe, may signal an end to this historic relationship. Some worry that President Trump's support for Brexit, attacks on NATO, and tariff threats against the EU mark a significant departure from past administrations. And anti-establishment sentiments are growing on the other side of the Atlantic, too, as nationalist leaders gain ground across Europe. But others aren’t as worried, saying the relationship has weathered turbulent times before, including the Iraq War. As long as the U.S. and Europe face common threats, including China, election-hacking, and terrorism, they argue, the bond will remain strong. Is the transatlantic relationship as we know it doomed? Or will it prevail for decades to come?

This was originally published by the Intelligence Squared U.S.