Carnegie Oil Initiative
About the Project

The Carnegie Oil Initiative analyzes global oils, assessing their differences from climate, environmental, economic, and geopolitical perspectives. This knowledge provides strategic guidance and policy frameworks for decision making.

All work from Carnegie Oil Initiative

183 Results
In the Media
Is California Extraordinary? Its Oil Resources Certainly Are

There are four extraordinary circumstances, all relating to California’s oil resources, that need to be factored into the case for preserving and strengthening California’s clean car program.

· November 15, 2018
Legal Planet
In the Media
India’s Double Rush for Electric Vehicles and Oil Refineries

A successful switch to electric vehicles, coupled with strategically increased refining capacity, could be both a geoeconomic and geopolitical maneuver for India.

· April 25, 2018
In the Media
Touting Oil Exports Means Comparing Maple Syrup and Cream Soda

It was recently announced that the United States has just beaten its all-time high in crude oil production—but these claims don’t quite stand up to scrutiny.

· March 22, 2018
Houston Chronicle
American Gas Is Going Global—Can It Also Go Green?

Is natural gas indeed a bridge fuel to a greener, low-carbon energy future? If American gas can maintain its attractiveness versus coal, this creates a sizable opportunity for both extant and emerging U.S. gas exporters.

· December 5, 2017
Aspen Institute
In the Media
Towards Good Governance of the Oil and Gas Sector in the Middle East and North Africa

To date, no clear consensus has been reached on whether natural wealth such as hydrocarbon’s is a blessing or a curse, and no comprehensive methodology has been established.

· December 1, 2017
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
In The Media
in the media
On the UN Climate Change Conference

The November 2017 UN Climate Conference was marked by the unprecedented presence of U.S. cities, states, and corporations.

· November 16, 2017
In the Media
The UAE’s Energy Dilemma

Today, oil is facing mounting pressure as the world tries hard to move towards a greener, cleaner future and vows to end the age of fossil fuels.

· November 15, 2017
Oil Review Middle East
In the Media
The Technological Revolution in Oman’s Oil and Gas Industry

Oman recently became the first Middle Eastern country to join the very small club of unconventional oil and gas producers, currently led by the United States.

· November 15, 2017
Geopolitical Intelligence Services
In the Media
Three Ways to Clean Up California’s Oil Production

Policymakers have been focusing on long-term goals to wean California from oil, but here are three smart strategies to seriously shrink the petroleum sector’s climate impacts.

· November 9, 2017
Sacramento Bee
Petroleum Coke Use in India and South Asia: Recent Trends and Emerging Policy Options

Petcoke, a highly-polluting byproduct of refining heavier oils, can be more polluting than coal. Broad indicators show that highly-degraded petcoke ends up being burned to generate power in Asia, making it important to take stock of global petcoke markets and flows around South Asia.

· October 1, 2017
Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance