In The Media
in the media
Understanding the Nagorno Karabakh Conflict

Azerbaijan's use of force in Nagorno Karabakh has reignited violence in the long-running conflict between Baku and Yerevan.

· September 29, 2023
The EU and Azerbaijan: Time to Talk Tough

By launching a military offensive in Nagorny Karabakh, President Aliyev forfeited the trust of Europeans. Azerbaijan’s status as a transport hub cannot be a reason for the EU to go soft on Baku.

· September 26, 2023
A Tragic Endgame in Karabakh

Shifting alliances and the potential of a mass exodus could turn the conflict into a humanitarian disaster.

· September 22, 2023
Armenia’s Year of Insecurity

Prime Minister Pashinyan is taking risks to address his country’s long-running disputes and overdependence on Russia. But much of what happens next depends on Azerbaijan.

· February 28, 2023
In The Media
in the media
Russian Weakness Challenges EU to Ease Tensions in Nagorny Karabakh

The growing weakness of Russia is one reason for the recent escalation in the decades-old conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Peace in the Caucasus and the post-Soviet neighborhood is more attainable if there is an stabilizing international security presence.

· January 25, 2023
The Financial Times
In The Media
in the media
Could the EPC Hold Europe Together in the Face of Russian Threat?

The European Political Community aims to draw EU’s neighbors into its orbit while leaving enough room to accelerate European integration. Doubts remain over the new platform’s ability to overcome the harsh political realities that sunk similar initiatives over the years.

· October 23, 2022