Understanding the Energy Drivers of Turkey’s Foreign Policy

Turkey’s dependence on energy imports has an impact on the country’s economic and geopolitical orientation. Turkish leaders should devise energy policies that respond to domestic priorities, regional ambitions, and the challenges posed by climate change.

· February 28, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Armenia’s Existential Moment

Armenia is facing its most precarious moment in three decades. The loss of Karabakh, a region with a centuries-old history of Armenian habitation and heritage, will reverberate for generations.

· December 5, 2023
Engelsberg Ideas
Georgia’s Winding Road to EU Membership
November 30, 2023

Georgia is moving toward Europe while retreating from democracy. Following the European Commission’s recommendation to grant the country EU candidate status, with many conditions attached, European leaders will meet in December to confirm whether Georgia merits this new position.

EU-Georgia Relations: A Local Show of the Global Theater

Tbilisi is hoping to progress toward European integration while resisting genuine reform. In deliberating Georgia’s possible EU membership, Brussels faces an uncomfortable choice between geopolitical calculus and adherence to its own democratization criteria.

  • Natalie Sabanadze
· November 16, 2023
In The Media
in the media
Understanding the Nagorno Karabakh Conflict

Azerbaijan's use of force in Nagorno Karabakh has reignited violence in the long-running conflict between Baku and Yerevan.

· September 29, 2023
The EU and Azerbaijan: Time to Talk Tough

By launching a military offensive in Nagorny Karabakh, President Aliyev forfeited the trust of Europeans. Azerbaijan’s status as a transport hub cannot be a reason for the EU to go soft on Baku.

· September 26, 2023