North Africa
Rethinking EU-MENA Engagement
June 8, 2023

As part of the ENGAGE project, Carnegie Europe will be hosting this public event within the framework of the 2-day ENGAGE Regional Symposium on the MENA Region. Speakers will discuss ways for the EU to forge an effective policy towards the region.

Rethinking Democracy and Civil Society Support in Acute Crises

While international donors are right to focus on supporting civil society in acute crises, their approach has serious limitations. For more effective crisis mitigation, engagement with civic actors must be part of a broader political strategy driven by local dynamics and priorities.

  • Jakob Hensing
  • Melissa Li
· April 11, 2023
European Democracy Support Annual Review 2022

In a year dominated by the rhetoric of defending democracy, EU democracy support policies were adjusted in important ways to align with the new geopolitical context. However, the union also seemed to treat commitments in this area as second-order priorities compared to security.

  • +7
· January 30, 2023
Development Assistance in Different Political Regime Contexts

In the last decade, nondemocratic regimes have received more development assistance than democratic countries. This reveals how donors struggle with autocratization despite a rhetorical commitment to democracy.

  • Marc de Tollenaere
· January 24, 2023
Global Civil Society in a Geopolitical Age: How Great Power Competition Is Reshaping Civic Activism

Civil society actors around the world are grappling with competition between values systems. Rising geopolitical tensions affect international civil society and its role in this shifting global order.

· November 30, 2022
Europe’s Two-Way Mirror: Perspectives From the Global South
November 30, 2022

The mismatch between how the EU perceives its international role and how it is viewed abroad is glaring at times. Whereas the union sees itself as a champion of multilateralism and a generous donor, those in the Global South frequently criticize the EU as being hypocritical, self-serving, and post-colonial.