In The Media
in the media
If This Is Israel’s 9/11, It Must Not Make Same Mistakes the US Did

The world is watching how Israel is responding militarily, as well as politically, to the October 7 attacks by Hamas. Israel should be mindful not to make the same mistakes the United States made post-9/11.

· October 18, 2023
Judy Asks: Does Anyone Benefit From the Israel-Hamas War?

In the short term, Hamas and Iran may appear to gain from the horrific events unfolding in Israel and Gaza. But the situation is volatile, and winners can quickly turn into losers.

· October 12, 2023
Europe’s Moment of Powerlessness in the Middle East

Sidelined in the region, Europe is unlikely to have its voice heard amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas confrontation. Yet the EU’s economic leverage could prove useful in getting Israel and a new Palestinian leadership to negotiate in the longer term.

· October 10, 2023
Israel-Palestine’s Democracy and Security Crisis: How Should the EU Respond?

The prolonged conflict between Israel and Palestine is leading to democratic deterioration in both territories. The EU and its member states should root their responses in liberal democratic values.

  • Beth Oppenheim
· April 5, 2023
Judy Asks: Have the Europeans Any Influence in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

The EU has enough leverage to play a positive role in the Middle East. But to make an impact, it must overcome internal divisions and stop propping up an unsustainable status quo in Israel and Palestine.

· February 2, 2023
Judy Asks: Can Europe Do Anything to De-escalate the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

The EU’s hollow statements expressing “concern” over the latest Israeli-Palestinian conflagration will not deter either party. Unless the Europeans use what little leverage they have, they can forget about having a strategic role in the region.

· May 20, 2021