South Asia
Rewiring Globalization

Dissatisfaction with globalization has turned into a powerful force, with unchecked globalism increasingly seen as a threat to the integrity of democratic rule. Policymakers must reframe globalization to mitigate its negative consequences while keeping its core growth-enhancing dynamics intact.

· February 17, 2022
The Asia-Europe Meeting and the Case for Minilateralism

The upcoming summit between European and Asian partners will address key political, economic, and sociocultural issues across continents. Leveraging minilateral frameworks could help all partners make the most of the summit.

· November 24, 2021
Reassessing the European Strategy in Afghanistan

The United States bears a great deal of the responsibility for the situation in Afghanistan, but the EU should also reflect on how its overly narrow conception of democracy contributed to the shortcomings of Afghan reconstruction efforts.

· November 17, 2021
How Deep Is the North-South Divide on Climate Negotiations?

COP26 provides a forum for deliberating about climate adaptation, but such global meetings must also account for the needs of developing nations. A narrow climate agenda will only perpetuate divisions between postindustrial and developing countries.

· October 6, 2021
Judy Asks: Will the Afghanistan Debacle Change Your Country’s Foreign and Security Policy?

The chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan has left European capitals skeptical about such missions and critical of American leadership. The debacle should lead to frank discussions about NATO’s role and the EU’s defense ambitions.

· September 16, 2021
Afghanistan Will Not Make Europe a Defense Player

Blaming NATO and the United States for the West’s failure in Afghanistan won’t help Europe establish a credible security and defense policy. Its continued absence leaves the EU’s citizens and neighborhoods vulnerable.

· September 7, 2021