Foreign Policy
Between the EU and Moscow: How Russia Exploits Divisions in Bosnia

Entrenched divisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina have hampered EU and U.S. efforts to build functional institutions and integrate the country into Western clubs. Dysfunctionality in turn provides fertile ground for meddling by Russia, which appears to have won the battle for the hearts and minds of Bosnian Serbs.

· June 27, 2024
Europe’s New Leadership Faces a Teamwork Test

The incoming EU leadership will have to navigate political turbulence and internal power dynamics. Working together as a real team would help in tackling the challenges ahead.

· June 20, 2024
Can EU Enlargement Work?

The EU’s enlargement momentum, fueled by Russia’s war against Ukraine, is wearing off. To make political conditionality work, the union must prioritize securing buy-in from candidate countries’ elites and civil society.

· June 20, 2024
The Timely Revival of the Weimar Triangle

France, Germany, and Poland have concrete ideas for making EU foreign policy more coherent and effective. The union’s incoming leadership should use these proposals to strengthen the bloc.

· June 18, 2024
Germany at a Crossroads

Europe’s biggest economy is struggling to cope with a rapidly changing geopolitical environment. Chancellor Scholz has yet to provide the necessary leadership.

· June 4, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Putin’s Hidden Game in the South Caucasus

Russia and like-minded South Caucasus leaders are reshaping alliances in the region, where competition for influence is raging.

· June 3, 2024
Foreign Affairs