Geoliberal Europe
Geoliberal Europe and the Test of War

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has pushed Europe into a new strategic era. But as the conflict persists, European governments and institutions are struggling to move past crisis-driven, short-term policies and design a new European order.

· April 16, 2024
Agenda Publishing
In the Media
What Future European Defence and Technological Industrial Basis (EDTIB) Do We Want/Need? The Romanian Case

Russia’s war against Ukraine has prompted Romania to modernize its military structure. The country should invest in its booming IT sector, in line with the EU’s focus on emerging technologies and cyber capabilities.

· February 1, 2024
In The Media
in the media
Time Is of the Essence in Defending Ukraine

Russia’s war against Ukraine has been characterized by diverging time horizons and expectations. At this critical juncture, European governments should increase military assistance to Ukraine.

· December 20, 2023
The Financial Times
In The Media
in the media
If This Is Israel’s 9/11, It Must Not Make Same Mistakes the US Did

The world is watching how Israel is responding militarily, as well as politically, to the October 7 attacks by Hamas. Israel should be mindful not to make the same mistakes the United States made post-9/11.

· October 18, 2023
In The Media
in the media
Understanding the Nagorno Karabakh Conflict

Azerbaijan's use of force in Nagorno Karabakh has reignited violence in the long-running conflict between Baku and Yerevan.

· September 29, 2023
NATO Gives Ukraine No Finishing Line

Led by the United States and Germany, NATO gave Kyiv no date for joining the military alliance. This is a short-sighted decision that Russia will exploit.

· July 13, 2023