Go Myong-Hyun

All work from Go Myong-Hyun

3 Results
Between Greater Eurasia and Indo-Pacific: What’s Next for Multilateralism in Asia?
March 15, 2019

Over the course of the last two years, security risks across Asia have been on the rise. The region’s future is marred with uncertainty that is rooted in the revival of great power competition, and trade wars. The Carnegie Moscow Center and the Russian International Affairs Council organized a discussion about the future of the region.

Great Power Competition and Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula
April 12, 2018

Carnegie Moscow Center and Korea Foundation organized a public event on the current state of affairs on the Korean Peninsula, and relations between the United States, Russia, China, and the ROK.

  • Alexander Gabuev
What Will 2014 Bring for North Korea’s Nuclear Program?
January 24, 2014

2013 witnessed new levels of threatening behavior from North Korea and recent perturbations among the North Korean leadership also raise the possibility of greater instability and unpredictability. What will 2014 bring in terms of North Korean nuclear behavior?

  • +4