Sandra Pepera
Director for Gender, Women and Democracy, National Democratic Institute

All work from Sandra Pepera

3 Results
Launch of Women LEAD: Women Leading Effective and Accountable Democracy in the Digital Age
July 8, 2024
2:30 PM — 4:00 PM EDT

On the margins of the seventy-fifth NATO summit, please join the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the National Democratic Institute for an event marking the launch of Women Leading Effective and Accountable Democracy in the Digital Age (Women LEAD), a new initiative from the Biden-Harris administration focused on advancing women’s political participation globally and addressing barriers to women’s leadership, both online and offline.

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Thinking Strategically About Women’s Political Empowerment
October 7, 2016

How can aid providers and activists alike think more strategically about women’s political empowerment?

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Examining the Puzzle of Non-Western Democracy
December 2, 2015

Many people in non-Western countries say that they want a democratic system of governance—but just not Western-style democracy. Yet what is meant by non-Western democracy often remains unclear, and at times is merely a cover for non-democratic practices.

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