Thomas Pickering


Thomas Pickering is a former U.S. undersecretary of state for political affairs and ambassador to Russia, Israel and the UN.

All work from Thomas Pickering

7 Results
A Norm for Nuclear Material Production: Beyond the Washington Summit and the Iran Deal
March 22, 2016

The Nuclear Security Summit has made little progress on preventing the production of fissile material that has no plausible use. One way forward would be to establish a norm that such production should be consistent with reasonable civilian needs.

Priorities for Russia-U.S. Relations: A Statement by Former Ambassadors to Washington and Moscow

Deepening economic engagement and making progress on missile defense should be central policy priorities for Russia and the United States in their bilateral relations.

  • +5
  • John Beyrle
  • James Collins
  • Jack Matlock
  • Thomas Pickering
  • Alexander A. Bessmertnykh
  • Yury V. Dubinin
  • Viktor G. Komplektov
  • Vladimir P. Lukin
· April 12, 2013
U.S.–Russia Relations: Whither Now?
April 2, 2013

Despite the “reset” of U.S.-Russian relations during the first Obama administration, tensions seem to be increasing between Moscow and Washington.

  • +2
Weighing Benefits and Costs of International Sanctions on Iran
December 6, 2012

The Iran Project will launch their new report “Weighing Benefits and Costs of International Sanctions Against Iran.” William Reinsch, Lieutenant General Gregory S. Newbold, and George Perkovich will offer remarks. Ambassador Thomas Pickering will moderate.

  • +1
Reflections on the Reset: A Statement by the Former Ambassadors to Moscow and Washington

The U.S.-Russia reset is off to a solid beginning, but it is incomplete in many respects; while the countries have made good progress in their relationship, much remains to be done.

  • +5
  • Alexander Bessmertnykh
  • James Collins
  • Yuri Dubinin
  • Arthur Hartman
  • Victor Komplektov
  • Vladimir Lukin
  • Jack Matlock
  • Thomas Pickering
· November 3, 2010
Reflections on the Reset: A Conversation with Former Ambassadors to Moscow and Washington
November 3, 2010

The ability of the United States and Russia to cooperate on matters of global importance could affect a wide range of important issues from arms control to climate change.

  • +4
In the Media
A Time for Restraint and Reflection

New leadership in Moscow and Washington will soon face decisions that will reshape the U.S.-Russia agenda and set new priorities. The governments both countries should not succumb to the political inertia that has followed the Caucasus conflict. Instead, they must show reflection and restraint.

  • +3
  • James Collins
  • Alexander Bessmertnykh
  • Yuri Dubinin
  • Arthur Hartman
  • Jack Matlock
  • Thomas Pickering
· September 29, 2008
International Herald Tribune