Xie Tao

All work from Xie Tao

12 Results
U.S.-China Relations Under Biden: A Look Ahead
December 1, 2020

One month after the U.S. election, Paul Haenle will moderate a discussion with American and Chinese experts on how the Biden administration will approach China, as well as how Beijing is gearing up for the new U.S. president.

Chinese Foreign Policy With Xi Jinping Characteristics

Chinese President Xi Jinping offered a sweeping and ambitious vision at the 19th Party Congress for not just China but all of the world that could have far-reaching impacts on global governance, trade, and security.

  • Xie Tao
· November 20, 2017
The Future of Global Governance: Assessing China's Role and Cultivating Young Leaders
June 7, 2017

As China's role in the world, so too does its place in both participating in and defining global governance. It has taken a more assertive role in this arena through its Belt and Road Initiative but some Western nations are wary of China's expanding influence.

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Assessing the China Challenge for Trump’s Presidency

President-elect Trump will most likely be the single most important source of tensions—and potentially conflicts—between Beijing and Washington in the next four years.

  • Xie Tao
· January 18, 2017
How the Next U.S. President Should Approach China

The next U.S. administration is inheriting a complicated relationship with China, but steps can be taken to reduce tensions and the risk of conflict.

  • Xie Tao
· November 4, 2016
Donald Trump, U.S. Elections, and the Breakup of the Republican Party
September 12, 2016

Donald Trump’s rise has fractured the Republican Party, leading many to wonder what the party will look like after the 2016 presidential election.

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U.S.-China Relations in an Evolving Asia-Pacific Region
June 18, 2015

As Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares for his first state visit to the United States in September, U.S.-China relations are approaching a critical juncture.

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What’s Wrong with China’s North Korea Policy?

It no longer makes strategic sense for China to support North Korea.

  • Xie Tao
· March 26, 2013
Looming Uncertainties in U.S.-China Relations

Leadership transitions in China and the United States, combined with mounting tensions in the bilateral relationship, could have far-reaching consequences for both countries.

  • Xie Tao
· October 25, 2012
EU Relations with China and India: Courting the Dragon, Wooing the Elephant
October 2, 2012

With the right mix of realism and self-confidence, the EU may be able to pursue a more interests-based and assertive engagement with China and India.

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