Digital Technologies and Precision Health

Tue. September 28th, 2021
Zoom Webinar

Can the phone in your pocket or the genes in your DNA lead to a health and healthcare experience that is affordable, accurate, and tailored just for you? Research and innovation in the technology spaces is powering a transformation of how we respond to everything from infectious disease outbreaks to keeping aging populations healthy; healthcare is one of the biggest growth sectors in the global economy. Fit-for-purpose policies and regulations will also be needed, to keep up with new ethical and safety questions that naturally emerge with new, and converging, technologies that personally impact our health and wellbeing.

On September 28, we hosted a 'Tech for Thought: A KnowledgeTransfer series' workshop, titled Digital Technologies and Precision Health, with Genya V. Dana and Vijay Chandru. This event is organized in partnership with Plaksha University (based in Mohali).

Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees.
event speakers

Genya V. Dana

Genya is the Head of Healthcare at the World Economic Forum. She sets the strategic direction of the Forum’s health and healthcare program in concert with close advisement and co-creation with Partners and stakeholders from industry, government, academia, and civil society. Together, they catalyze sustainable and innovative uptake of new technologies, financial models, delivery approaches and treatment options to affect health and well-being globally. She has two decades of experience working within healthcare systems and is an internationally recognized expert on genomics and biotechnology, and has advised foreign policymakers on the implications of emerging technologies across industries. She served as a U.S. negotiator on science, technology, and innovation in multi-lateral organizations like the United Nations, worked to advance science, technology, and innovation for sustainable development with a focus on Africa, and developed international partnerships to support scientific research on brain science and biological engineering. She has degrees in biology, public policy, and risk assessment, and conducted her PhD research in South Africa.

Vijay Chandru

Vijay has served on the faculty of engineering at Purdue University and is now with the Centre for Bio-Systems Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). He is an executive advisor for healthcare to ART Park (DST innovation Hub for AI and Robotics at IISc), and a Commissioner with the Lancet Citizens Commission on reimagining India’s health system. He was an inventor of the Simputer and founder of Strand Life Sciences, India's leading precision medicine solutions company. A fellow of the academies of science and engineering, a technology pioneer of the World Economic Forum and recipient of the Hari Om Trust Award of University Grants Commission in 2001 for serving science and society, Professor Chandru identifies with "Historians of the Now" - a cadre that begins with a study of what is today, asking not how to avoid the perils of the past but how to maximize the advantages of the future.

Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees.