
We deliver strategic ideas and independent analysis to help inform countries, institutions, and leaders as they take on the most difficult global problems.

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Figuig oasis
Beyond the Green Transition: Governance and Climate Vulnerability in Morocco

The Moroccan government has set forth an ambitious agenda to harness its renewable energy potential. But effective climate adaptation requires a greater inclusion of independent grassroots actors. 

Displaced Palestinians walk through a muddy road amid the destruction in Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip on February 6, 2025, during a truce in the war between Israel and Hamas.
Ending the New Wars of Attrition: Opportunities for Collective Regional Security in the Middle East

The Middle East’s only viable path toward stability and security lies in fostering dialogue, coordinated initiatives, and joint diplomacy among its influential states.

CSDP democracy security missions EU
The EU Common Security and Defense Policy: Moving Away From Democracy Support

The EU’s Common Security and Defense Policy has increasingly sidelined democracy-related commitments in favor of security priorities. As geopolitical challenges mount, the union must restore CSDP as a meaningful part of its democracy-security toolbox.

Featured Research
U.S. Treasury Department
How the Federal Financing Bank Could Strengthen Clean Energy Supply Chains

The need to deploy public funds for clean energy is clear. But how could the government do it? The Federal Financing Bank could be the answer.

  • Sarah Raskin
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