Guanie Lim


Guanie Lim is an assistant professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Japan.

All work from Guanie Lim

2 Results
How China Navigated Malaysia's Real Estate Market and Politics

Iskandar Malaysia is the heart of Malaysia's real estate sector. After China launched its Belt and Road Initiative, the region also became a hotbed for Chinese investment and fierce political competition between local politicians and the federal government. Watch Guanie Lim explain how China was able to navigate Malaysia's tricky politics to promote its real estate investments.

  • Guanie Lim
· August 15, 2022
How Malaysian Politics Shaped Chinese Real Estate Deals and Economic Development

A high-end real estate development that caters to Chinese entrepreneurs became caught up in divisive Malaysian politics. Chinese investors are learning hard lessons about how to navigate local turf wars and political risks.

  • Guanie Lim
  • Keng Khoon Ng
· June 8, 2022