in the media

Yemen: A Failed State?

The presence of Al-Qaeda in Yemen is only one of many security and economic challenges facing the country. International aid must be comprehensive in nature and empower the Yemenis to build their own capacity, in order to combat these challenges.

published by
Al Jazeera's Riz Khan
 on January 4, 2010

Source: Al Jazeera's Riz Khan

The failed bombing attempt by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who was trained in Yemen by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), has brought the plight of Yemen to the attention of the international community. Although much effort is being expended to defeat the threat from AQAP, Yemen faces a host of security and economic challenges. If these challenges aren't addressed soon, Yemen risks becoming a failed state. According to Christopher Boucek, “It is really important that in addition to counter-terrorism we need to keep in mind building state capacity in Yemen. Thinking about building a post-oil economy and state legitimacy is key.” The crises that Yemen faces, must be addressed through a multi-pronged, international approach in order to “empower Yemenis to build their own capacity,” suggests Boucek. 

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