

Washington, DC

网络空间目前仍缺少一套明确的规则。关于国际网络空间规范的讨论将有助于推动这一领域实现更大的稳定。在众多国际性论坛中,专家们已经着手研究制定能塑造网络空间中国家、企业、以及个人行为的规范。随着“塔林手册2.0”的发布,联合国新的政府专家组会议和全球网络稳定委员会(Global Commission on Cyber Stability)会议的召开、以及网络空间全球会议在印度举行,2017年将见证网络空间规范制定方面的重大进展。


event speakers

Michele Markoff

Michele Markoff is the deputy coordinator for cyber issues in the Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Affairs at the U.S. Department of State

Paul Nicholas

Paul Nicholas is senior director of trustworthy computing at Microsoft, leading the Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy Team.

Martha Finnemore

Nonresident Scholar, Technology and International Affairs Program

Martha Finnemore was a nonresident scholar with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where her work focuses on global governance, international organizations, ethics, and social theory.

Duncan B. Hollis

Nonresident Scholar, Technology and International Affairs Program

Duncan B. Hollis is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the James E. Beasley professor of law at Temple Law School, where he also serves as the associate dean for academic affairs.

毛瑞尔 蒂姆·

联席主任, 网络政策项目

蒂姆·毛瑞尔(Tim Maurer)是卡内基国际和平研究院网络政策项目的联席主任。他主要研究网络空间与国际事务,以及网络安全与金融稳定等问题。