
Is Cooperation Even Possible in an Age of Geopolitics?

Mon. January 23rd, 2023
Live Online

The Biden Administration’s National Security Strategy depicts a world defined by two countervailing trends: a proliferation of global problems that demand collective action and a resurgence of geopolitical rivalry that complicates that very cooperation. What is the future of multilateralism in an era of great power competition? Can multistakeholder approaches fill gaps in global governance?

Join us for a conversation with Justin Vaïsse, founder and director-general of the Paris Peace Forum, on the options facing the Biden administration in 2023 and French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent global governance initiatives and how cities, NGOs, and corporations are spearheading governance breakthroughs in climate change, development, cyberspace, and beyond.

event speakers

Stewart Patrick

Senior Fellow and Director, Global Order and Institutions Program

Stewart Patrick is a senior fellow and director of the Global Order and Institutions Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. His primary areas of research focus are the shifting foundations of world order, the future of American internationalism, and the requirements for effective multilateral cooperation on transnational challenges.

Justin Vaïsse

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Justin Vaïsse is the founder and director general of the Paris Peace Forum. Vaïsse previously led the Centre for Analysis, Planning and Strategy at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2013-2019. He also served as director of research at the Brookings Institution in Washington (2007-2013), with a focus on transatlantic relations and European foreign policy