Russia’s Response to Its Spiraling COVID-19 Crisis Is Too Little, Too Late

As Russia weathers a fourth surge of COVID-19 cases, the country’s management of the public health challenge has yet to improve. What factors led the country here, and what does this mean for the Putin regime and the Russian people going forward?

· October 28, 2021
Civil Society and the Global Pandemic: Building Back Different?

Civil society groups are simultaneously responding to the pandemic’s direct impacts and looking to a post-pandemic future. Many economic, political, and geostrategic challenges are shaping their thinking and their strategies.

  • Carnegie Civic Research Network
· September 30, 2021
Is There Any COVID-19 Vaccine Production in Africa?

Efforts are being made to ramp up production of COVID-19 vaccines in Africa to address the continent’s low rate of vaccination. As of September 2021, there are at least twelve COVID-19 production facilities set up or in the pipeline across six African countries.

· September 13, 2021
How the Global Vaccine Divide Is Fueling Indonesia’s Coronavirus Catastrophe

As Indonesia reels under staggering rates of COVID-19, an ambitious mass inoculation drive offers hope. But limited access to effective vaccines is trapping the Asian giant in an impossible choice between saving lives and livelihoods.

· August 5, 2021
Russia’s Vaccine Diplomacy Is Mostly Smoke and Mirrors

Russian scientists rolled out the country’s COVID-19 vaccine last summer, beating Western vaccine producers to the finish line. But scarce data, broken promises, and corruption have led the vaccine to lose its luster.

· August 3, 2021
To Help India, Biden Must Unclog the Vaccine Supply Chains

The United States and many other countries have rushed to send aid to India as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic. But U.S. President Joe Biden needs to focus his administration’s attention on unblocking the congested vaccine supply chain further downstream.

· May 21, 2021
What Is Happening to India’s COVID-19 Vaccine Program?

India has suffered a devastating new wave of infection from the coronavirus pandemic. As the country races to vaccinate its huge population, what challenges does it face?

· May 19, 2021
To Friends in the United States: Facilitate Global Vaccine Manufacturing

The COVID-19 crisis in India is devastating. The Biden administration must consider exceptions to the Defense Production Act and ease the global vaccine supply chain.

  • +2
· April 23, 2021
Podcast: Has Russia’s COVID Vaccine Gotten Lost In Politics?

This episode looks at the domestic and international reception of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine.

  • Alexander Gabuev
· March 30, 2021
Vaccine Geopolitics Could Derail Africa’s Post-Pandemic Recovery

The world needs to take decisive action to ensure that COVID-19 vaccine stockpiling in wealthy countries does not leave Africans without the doses they need.

· February 24, 2021
Why the EU’s Vaccine Strategy Will Pay Off in the End

After the undignified scramble for protective equipment in the pandemic’s early stages, the EU’s collective approach to coronavirus vaccines was the right strategy—even if avoidable mistakes were made.

· February 2, 2021
Coping With the Coronavirus

In an interview, Salim Adib discusses Lebanon’s management of Covid-19, and expresses some hope for the future.

· February 2, 2021