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June 9-10, 1997, Washington Marriott Hotel, Washington, DC
MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1997
- Leonard S. SPECTOR, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Hon. James STEINBERG, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Presiding: Jessica T. MATHEWS, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Reducing Nuclear Arms or Eliminating Them?
- Amb. Richard BUTLER, Permanent Representative of Australia to the UN
- Adm. Hank CHILES, former Commander U.S. Strategic Command
- Hon. Robert BELL, Special Assistant to the President, Defense Policy and Arms Control
- Amb. Rüdiger HARTMANN, Federal Commissioner on Arms Control, FRG
- Presiding: Dr. Morton HALPERIN, Council on Foreign Relations
Session 3: Next Steps for the Nuclear Powers: Which Are Most Important?
- Hon. Alexei ARBATOV, Member of Duma, Russian Federation
- Amb. Naresh CHANDRA, Ambassador of India to the United States
- Harald MÜLLER, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
- William C. POTTER, Monterey Institute of International Studies
- Presiding: Cathleen FISHER, The Henry L. Stimson Center
Session 4: LUNCHEON
- Speaker: WANG Xiaoyu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China
- Comment: Robert EINHORN, U.S. Department of State
- Presiding: Robert MANNING, Progressive Policy Institute
Assertive Diplomacy:
Session 5: Using Sanctions to Support Non-Proliferation
- Leonard WEISS, Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
- Richard HAASS, The Brookings Institution
- Gary SAMORE, National Security Council
- Zamir AKRAM, Embassy of Pakistan
- Presiding: Michael MAZARR, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Session 6: Using Technology Denial and Export Controls to Support Non-Proliferation -- The U.S. Debate
- Hon. John DESPRES, former Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, U.S. Department of Commerce
- Michael MALOOF, U.S. Department of Defense
- Marvin MILLER, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Gary MILHOLLIN, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control
- Janne NOLAN, The Brookings Institution
- Presiding: Randy RYDELL, Senate Governmental Affairs Committee
Improving The Regime:
Session 7: Strengthening Non-Proliferation Verification Tools -- The 93+2 Program of the International Atomic Energy Agency
- Michael ROSENTHAL, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Richard HOOPER, International Atomic Energy Agency
- David ALBRIGHT, Institute for Science and International Security
- Paul LEVENTHAL, Nuclear Control Institute
- Suzanna van MOYLAND, Verification Technology Information Center, London
- Presiding: Ben SANDERS, Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Session 8: Strengthening the Non-Proliferation Regime Through the New Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Process and Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones
- Amb. Valery TSEPKALO, Ambassador of Belarus to the United States
- David FITE, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- Lawrence SCHEINMAN, Monterey Institute of International Studies, formerly U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- John SIMPSON, Programme for Promoting Nuclear Non-Proliferation
- Sudjadnan PARNOHADININGRAT, Mission of Indonesia to the UN
- Presiding: Susan BURK, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Addressing Demand:
Session 9: Addressing Proliferation "Demand" Through Threat Reduction, Arms Control, and Engagement -- The Middle East
- Shai FELDMAN, John F. Kennedy School
- Geoffrey KEMP, Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom
- Nabil FAHMY, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Egypt
- Phebe MARR, National Defense University
- Presiding: Avner COHEN, U.S. Institute of Peace
Session 10: Addressing Proliferation "Demand" Through Threat Reduction, Arms Control, and Engagement -- South Asia
- Amb. Riaz KOKHAR, Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States
- Hon. Robin RAPHEL, U.S. Department of State
- C. Raja MOHAN, The Hindu, New Delhi
- SHEN Dingli, Fudan University, Shanghai
- Virginia FORAN, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Presiding: Stephen P. COHEN, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Session 11: Using Incentives to Support Non-Proliferation
- Speaker: Hon. Stephen BOSWORTH, Executive Director, Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO)
- Presiding: Leonard S. SPECTOR, Carnegie Endowment for Int'l Peace
TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1997
New Tools for Changing Threats:
Session 12: Using "Counter-Proliferation" to Address the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Lewis DUNN, Science Applications International Corporation
- Mitchel WALLERSTEIN, U.S. Department of Defense
- Rudolf ADAM, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany
- Camille GRAND, Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques, France
- Presiding: Robert JOSEPH, National Defense University
Session 13: The Missile Proliferation Threat
- Vann van DIEPEN, U.S. Department of State
- Mitchel KUGLER, Senate Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation, and Federal Services
- Dennis GORMLEY, Pacific Sierra Research Corporation
- Aaron KARP, Old Dominion University
- Presiding: Richard SPEIER, Independent Consultant
Emerging Threats:
Session 14: Chemical and Biological Weapons -- New Stepping Stones to Strategic Arsenals?
- Kathleen BAILEY, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Brendon HAMMER, Embassy of Australia
- Anne HARRINGTON, U.S. Department of State
- Michael MOODIE, Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute
- Presiding: Amy SMITHSON, Henry L. Stimson Center
Session 15: New Proliferation Threats -- Mass Terrorism and Non-State Actors
- John SOPKO, U.S. Department of Commerce
- Ronald PURVER, Security and Intelligence Service, Canada
- Jessica STERN, Independent Consultant
- Jonathan TUCKER, Monterey Institute of International Studies
- Presiding: Brad ROBERTS, Institute for Defense Analyses
Controlling Supply:
Session 16: Controlling Material and Technology -- Engaging Russia
- Laura HOLGATE, U.S. Department of Defense
- Gennady PSHAKIN, Institute of Physics & Power Engineering, Obninsk, RF
- Cherie FITZGERALD, U.S. Department of Energy
- Alexander PIKAYEV, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Moscow)
- Jo HUSBANDS, National Academy of Sciences
- Presiding: Gary BERTSCH, University of Georgia
Session 17: Controlling Materials and Technology -- Engaging China
- SUN Xiangli, Inst. of Applied Physics & Computational Mathematics, Beijing
- Wendy FRIEMAN, Science Applications International Corporation
- Richard CUPITT, University of Georgia
- Clyde LAYNE, Sandia National Laboratories
- Bates GILL, Monterey Institute of International Studies
- Presiding: Arnold KANTER, Forum for International Policy
Session 18: LUNCHEON
- Speaker: Hon. Rolf EKÉUS, Executive Chairman, UN Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM)
- Presiding: Leonard S. Spector
2:00 p.m. Expanding the Non-Proliferation Regime -- The Comprehensive Test Ban
- Demonstration of the Prototype International Data Center
- Richard GUSTAFSON, Center for Monitoring Research
Session 19: Implementing the CTBT: Practical Challenges
- SONG Jiashu, Inst. of Applied Physics & Computational Mathematics, Beijing
- Viktor SLIPCHENKO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Federation
- Christopher PAINE, Natural Resources Defense Council
- Presiding: Patricia LEWIS, Verification Technology Information Ctr., London
Session 20: The CTBT: Facilitating Entry into Force
- Amb. Prakash SHAH, Permanent Representative of India to the UN
- Amb. Munir AKRAM, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the Conference on Disarmament
- Michael KREPON, Henry L. Stimson Center
- Presiding: Peter ZIMMERMAN, Institute for Defense Analyses
- Leonard S. SPECTOR, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
This conference has been made possible by the generous support
of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the Henry P. Kendall Foundation, and the Ploughshares Fund.