
National Missile Defense Debate

Tue. June 20th, 2000

June 20, 2000

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There is no issue in U.S. foreign and security policy more consequential than the decision whether to build a National Missile Defense (NMD) system. Fundamental questions about NMD remain unresolved and under sharp debate, involving whether such a system is technically feasible, how great the threat from missile attacks is in comparison to other threats the U.S. faces, and what the effects of NMD would be on the wider framework of U.S. security policy.

Richard Perle
James Woolsey
Stephen Cambone
Joseph Cirincione
Larry Korb
John Steinbruner

This high-level debate on the National Missile Defense system featured some of NMD's strongest opponents and advocates, including John Steinbruner, Director, Center for International and Security Studies, University of Maryland; Larry Korb, Vice President, Director of Studies, Council on Foreign Relations; Joseph Cirincione, Director, Carnegie Non-Proliferation Project; Richard Perle, Director, Commission on Future Defenses, American Enterprise Institute; James Woolsey, Senior Partner, Shea and Gardner; and Stephen Cambone, Technical Director of the Research Directorate, National Defense University . The debate was moderated by Jessica Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Missile Defense Resources
Carnegie Endowment Non-Proliferation Project

"National Missile Defense: Is There Another Way?"
by John Deutch, Harold Brown, and John P. White
Foreign Policy, Summer 2000

"A Real Case for Missile Defense"
by Robert Kagan
Washington Post, May 21, 2000

Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees.
event speakers

Joseph Cirincione

Senior Associate, Director for NonProliferation