On 27 March at the Carnegie Endowment Dr. Robert S. Norris,
Senior Analyst at the National Resources Defense Council, gave a presentation
on his forthcoming book Racing to the Finish: General Leslie R. Groves, Builder
of the Atomic Bomb, as part of the on-going History of the Nuclear Age Series.
In his presentation, Norris argued that the most glaring
omission in the vast literature about the Manhattan Project is the personal
history of the key person who made it a success: General Groves. The emphasis
on science, and the role of the scientists, has been exaggerated in the literature
about the atomic bomb, while the industrial, engineering, military, and administrative
aspects have been neglected. When these are fully revealed and appreciated Groves
is readily seen as the indispensable person, the dominant force, without whom
the bomb would not have been ready and used when it was.
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