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IMGXYZ1243IMGZYXThe Italian G8 Presidency will hold a Foreign Ministers meeting on June 29, 2009 in Trieste, Italy, on international efforsts to stabilise Afghanistan and its borders. The meeting, which includes representatives from many of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries, aims to foster greater dialogue and cooperation on key issues like the fight against drug trafficking, border control, and cross-border economic integration.
Under the auspices of the Italian G8 Presidency and with the support of the Italian Foreign Ministry, Carnegie Europe, together with Italian think-tanks IPALMO and ARGO, will host a private, off-the-record experts meeting ahead of the June 29 summit. Intended to provide the Italian G8 Presidency with concrete and fresh policy that can be proposed to the G8 member states, experts will share policy ideas, identify best practices, and suggest innovative and cooperative approaches to fostering stability and growth in Afghanistan and the surrounding region.
The discussion will focus on three long-standing obstacles to stabilisation and growth in the region: regional instability; border issues and illicit trafficking; and regional economic integration.
For additional information, please contact Clare Reynolds at