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IMGXYZ2321IMGZYXAs the end of the first decade of the 21st century approaches, it is increasingly clear that global security challenges and those confronting the International community are no longer those of the latter years of the 20th century.
The Security Jam Session organised between February 4th and 9th 2010 by the Brussels-based think tank Security & Defence Agenda (SDA), in collaboration with Carnegie Europe and other organizations from the non-profit and corporate sectors, was designed to analyze and clarify the changing threats to international peace. Some 10-15,000 representatives and experts from around the world are due to take part in this ambitious online debate, with the aim of providing input into the strategy reviews and re-thinks being undertaken today.
The Jam Session was open to defence and security specialists and non-specialists alike with the aim of widening the security debate beyond purely military matters. The growing importance of NGOs in security thinking and practice was reflected in the Jam Session's week-long discussions.
The result of the Jam will be an official report with ten key recommendations which will be officially presented to the EU and NATO leaderships in April 2010.