
Life After START: New Challenges, New Opportunities

Thu. January 27th, 2011
Washington, D.C.

IMGXYZ2853IMGZYXWhen the Russian Duma ratifies New START it will close the current debate over the treaty and open yet another debate over strategic arms control.  What, if any, new strategic arms threats should the United States and other major nuclear weapons states focus on next?  Given the acrimony of the debate over New START many experts doubt any new agreement with the Russians or the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) can come easily or soon.  More importantly, many other strategic arms threats and possible arms control opportunities are emerging that might be usefully added to President Obama's current arms control agenda.

  • How likely is a nuclear rivalry between India and Pakistan on the one hand and China and India on the other?
  • Could such competitions have knock-on effects on the U.S.-Russian balance and, if so, how?  
  • Is China’s growing arsenal of accurate non-nuclear, ground-launched, ballistic and cruise missiles posing a threat serious enough to warrant dedicated diplomacy?  
  • What of the increasing military space capabilities of a growing number of states?
  • What new arms control approaches might be taken to address these emerging threats?  

Carnegie brought some of the nation's leading security experts together to discuss these questions.

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