
Security Jam

Mon. March 19th, 2012

IMGXYZ3545IMGZYXNobody doubts the speed with which the security challenges faced by western governments are changing. Nor the changing nature of security. The need for fresh thinking both from the military and the wide range of relevant civilian stakeholders is clear to all.

On March 19-23 2012, the Security and Defence Agenda  and IBM partnered with NATO Allied Command Transformation, the European External Action Service, the European Commission, and the U.S. Mission to NATO to bring together thousands of global security stakeholders. Carnegie Europe is a member of the think tank coalition that supported this initiative.

Over five days participants logged in to a state-of-the-art online collaboration platform to discuss topics as diverse as strategic partnerships, crisis management, cyber-security, and future capabilities. Leading subject-matter experts focused discussions on producing concrete solutions. The most innovative recommendations will be presented to the NATO and European Union leaders ahead of the May 2012 Chicago summits.

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