Renewed Ambitions for NATO

Mon. June 17th, 2013
Cercle Royal Gaulois, Rue de la Loi 5, 1000 Brussels

Carnegie Europe, in partnership with the U.S. Mission to NATO, was pleased to host Ambassador Ivo H. Daalder at a special event to mark the end of his tenure as U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO. In bidding farewell, Ambassador Daalder discussed some of the high points of his four years at NATO and some of the key challenges facing the Alliance in the future. Carnegie Europe’s Jan Techau moderated.

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event speakers

Jan Techau

Director , Carnegie Europe

Techau was the director of Carnegie Europe, the European center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Techau works on EU integration and foreign policy, transatlantic affairs, and German foreign and security policy.

Ambassador Ivo Daalder