Global Governance
Steel plant at IJmuiden on the north coast of the Netherlands with clouds of Cardon Dioxide coming out of towers from the combustion of natural gas.
Employment and International Migration in a Reimagined Global Economic Governance

Global economic governance needs to address climate change, global demographics, and digital transformations to ensure that economic benefits are evenly distributed.

  • Ibrahim Awad
· July 24, 2024
Container Cargo freight ship Terminal in Hongkong, China
The Bretton Woods Moment—and Its Necessary Replacement

Global economic governance has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of multiple shocks. Yet its failure to confront challenges like climate change risks further disorder.

  • Miles Kahler
· July 24, 2024
Ordering Principles for Reviving Global Economic Governance

Climate policy must go beyond purely economic targets. Effective policymaking must also mobilize societies because success depends on their solidarity and agency.

  • Dennis Snower
· July 17, 2024
Global Economic Governance: What’s “Growth” Got to Do with It?

An obsession with growth has generated massive inequality, undermined global economic stability, and weakened faith in democracy. Reversing these trends requires reining in the power of financial capital and managing global trade flows.

  • Ann Pettifor
· July 17, 2024
Moving Beyond Neoliberalism? Historical Reflections on Regime Changes in Global Economic Governance

Faith in hyper-globalization has collapsed, but what new narrative and institutions will succeed it? A look at the past provides hints of what is to come.

  • Hagen Schulz-Forberg
· July 17, 2024
In The Media
in the media
For the Rest of the World, the U.S. President Has Always Been Above the Law

Addressing the problem of impunity requires addressing not just the absence of criminal accountability for the clearly unlawful acts of the president in the United States but also the long-standing absence of accountability for the clearly unlawful acts of the president and the government the president leads around the globe.

· July 16, 2024
Foreign Affairs