
Europe’s Potential as a Global Player

Mon. April 14th, 2014

Having struggled for years to overcome member-state ambivalence and institutional fragmentation, it is time for the EU to start punching its weight in the international arena. How can Europe better promote its interests and views?

Thomas Carothers, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Giovanni Grevi, director of FRIDE, and Antonio Missiroli, director of the EU Institute for Security Studies, kicked off the debate.

The following questions were addressed:

Session 1: Global Trends in Power and Governance

  • Reality check: What are the main trends that are going to shape the world in the next decade?
  • Is the liberal world order going to be stronger or weaker? Is the world going to face more anarchy or competing models of order?
  • What kind of player could and should Europe be in ten years?

Session 2: Mapping Europe’s Partners and Frameworks

  • Should Europe work more with multilateral institutions?
  • Is the United States going to remain Europe’s main partner?
  • Besides the United States, who are Europe’s main partners and competitors?

Session 3: Setting Strategic Priorities and Policies

  • What are the minimum goals Europe must attain to protect its achievements?
  • What would a more ambitious agenda for Europe look like?
  • Should Europe’s regional priorities focus more on the neighborhood or on the world?
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