
How Can Myanmar Avoid the Resource Curse?

Wed. June 29th, 2016
Washington, DC

Myanmar’s abundant natural resources have served as the country’s main export revenue, but have also been a primary driver of conflict in ethnic areas. The launch of Myanmar’s first Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) report and related findings on Myanmar’s jade mining and state-owned enterprises make a compelling case for significant reform of this sector. What should the newly elected National League for Democracy (NLD) government do to improve the governance of resource wealth in the country, and how can the international community assist?

Carnegie hosted a panel of experts for a conversation on the ongoing governance challenges in Myanmar’s extractives industries sector and reform options that can contribute to sustainable, inclusive development in Myanmar. Carnegie’s Vikram Nehru moderated.

This event was co-sponsored by the Bank Information Center and the Natural Resource Governance Institute.

Jelson Garcia

Jelson Garcia is the director for Asia-Pacific at the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) focusing on Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. He is responsible for potential engagement in additional countries such as China and India.

Patrick Heller

Patrick Heller is the director of legal and economic programs at NRGI where he focuses on governance and oversight of the oil sector, legislative and contract reform, transparency, and the promotion of government-citizen dialogue.

Saw Alex Htoo

Saw Alex Htoo is a member of the steering committee of the Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability (MATA) through which he serves as one of the civil society representatives at the national-level Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s Multi-Stakeholders Group. He is also the deputy director of the Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) and the acting director of IFI Watch Myanmar. 

Stefanie Ostfeld

Stefanie Ostfeld is the acting head of Global Witness’ U.S. office, where she advocates for increased corporate transparency, closing loopholes in anti-money laundering laws, effective enforcement of anti-bribery and anti-money laundering statutes, and revenue transparency in the oil, gas, and mining sector. 

Sudhir Shetty

Sudhir Shetty is the World Bank’s chief economist for East Asia and the Pacific Region. Prior to this, he has held several senior management positions in the Bank.

Yongzheng Yang

Yongzheng Yang is the IMF’s mission chief for Myanmar and a deputy division chief with the Asia and Pacific Department. His prior IMF assignments have been in the Pacific, Africa, and Central Asia. 

Vikram Nehru

Vikram Nehru is a senior associate in the Carnegie Asia Program. An expert on development economics, growth, poverty reduction, debt sustainability, governance, and the performance and prospects of East Asia, his research focuses on the economic, political, and strategic issues confronting Asia, particularly Southeast Asia.

event speakers

Jelson Garcia

Jelson Garcia is the director for Asia-Pacific at the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) focusing on Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam. He is responsible for potential engagement in additional countries such as China and India.

Patrick Heller

Patrick Heller is the director of legal and economic programs at NRGI where he focuses on governance and oversight of the oil sector, legislative and contract reform, transparency, and the promotion of government-citizen dialogue.

Saw Alex Htoo

Saw Alex Htoo is a member of the steering committee of the Myanmar Alliance for Transparency and Accountability (MATA) through which he serves as one of the civil society representatives at the national-level Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s Multi-Stakeholders Group. He is also the deputy director of the Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) and the acting director of IFI Watch Myanmar.

Stefanie Ostfeld

Stefanie Ostfeld is the acting head of Global Witness’ U.S. office, where she advocates for increased corporate transparency, closing loopholes in anti-money laundering laws, effective enforcement of anti-bribery and anti-money laundering statutes, and revenue transparency in the oil, gas, and mining sector.

Sudhir Shetty

Sudhir Shetty is the World Bank’s chief economist for East Asia and the Pacific Region. Prior to this, he has held several senior management positions in the Bank.

Yongzheng Yang

Yongzheng Yang is the IMF’s mission chief for Myanmar and a deputy division chief with the Asia and Pacific Department. His prior IMF assignments have been in the Pacific, Africa, and Central Asia.

Vikram Nehru

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Asia Program

Nehru was a nonresident senior fellow in the Carnegie Asia Program. An expert on development economics, growth, poverty reduction, debt sustainability, governance, and the performance and prospects of East Asia, his research focuses on the economic, political, and strategic issues confronting Asia, particularly Southeast Asia.