


恶意使用信息与通信技术为金融体系带来风险,而且可能危及金融稳定。卡内基的“网络政策倡议”(Cyber Policy Initiative)主持了卡内基白皮书《迈向反对操纵财务数据的完整性的全球规范》(Toward a Global Norm Against Manipulating the Integrity of Financial Data)的发布会。在2017年3月18日发布的G20财长和央行行长会议公报的基础上,卡内基的白皮书提出,G20下一步应承诺不操控数据完整性和金融机构算法,并承诺在此类事件发生时进行合作。


event speakers

Michael Chertoff

Michael Chertoff is the co-founder and executive chairman of the Chertoff Group. He served as secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security from 2005 to 2009.

Greg Rattray

Greg Rattray is the director of Global Cyber Partnerships & Government Strategy at JP Morgan Chase & Co. He previously served as director of cyber security on the U.S. National Security Council.

Siobhan MacDermott

Siobhan MacDermott is senior vice president and a global cyber public policy executive at Bank of America.

毛瑞尔 蒂姆·

联席主任, 网络政策项目

蒂姆·毛瑞尔(Tim Maurer)是卡内基国际和平研究院网络政策项目的联席主任。他主要研究网络空间与国际事务,以及网络安全与金融稳定等问题。

Duncan B. Hollis

Nonresident Scholar, Technology and International Affairs Program

Duncan B. Hollis was a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the James E. Beasley professor of law at Temple Law School, where he also serves as the associate dean for academic affairs.