

Washington, DC


今年,该指数囊括了有关美国的部分。报告发布之后,菲律宾调查记者约翰•内里(John Nery)和当前正在流亡的委内瑞拉政府官员(市长)大卫•斯莫兰斯基(David Smolansky)将就如何实现联合国可持续发展目标第16条:发达国家和发展中国家的和平、正义与强大体制进行探讨。国际透明组织(Transparency International)的乔迪•维托里(Jodi Vittori)将主持这一讨论。

event speakers

John Nery

John Nery is an editor and columnist at the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

David Smolansky

David Smolansky is a politician, journalist, and exiled mayor in Venezuela.

Rachel Kleinfeld

Senior Fellow, Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program

Rachel Kleinfeld is a senior fellow in Carnegie’s Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, where she focuses on issues of rule of law, security, and governance in democracies experiencing polarization, violence, and other governance problems.

Jodi Vittori

Nonresident Scholar, Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program

Jodi Vittori was a nonresident scholar in the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program. She is an expert on the linkages of corruption, state fragility, illicit finance, and U.S. national security.