Alvin Camba


Alvin Camba is an assistant professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He is also a faculty affiliate at the Climate Policy Lab at the Fletcher School at Tufts University.

All work from Alvin Camba

4 Results
How Has China’s Belt and Road Initiative Impacted Southeast Asian Countries?

Scholars from eight Southeast Asian countries provide their takes on the impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in their countries for the past decade.

  • +5
  • Pongphisoot Busbarat
  • Alvin Camba
  • Fadhila Inas Pratiwi
  • Sovinda Po
  • Hoàng Đỗ
  • Bouadam Sengkhamkhoutlavong
  • Tham Siew Yean
  • Moe Thuzar
· December 5, 2023
How Southeast Asians are Making China Adapt to Local Needs
June 13, 2022

Panelists will discuss how local players in three Southeast Asian countries—the Philippines, Malaysia, and Myanmar—pushed Chinese actors to adapt to local conditions.

  • +2
How to Make China Adapt to Local Needs
January 27, 2022

A lively discussion of powerful similarities and intriguing differences across four regions—Southeast Asia, Latin America, Central Asia, and South Asia—and what can be learned by comparing local strategies and Chinese responses around infrastructure, investment, and training.

  • +2
How Duterte Strong-Armed Chinese Dam-Builders But Weakened Philippine Institutions

Despite public perceptions, Philippine ruling elites concerned with political expediency, not Chinese actors, are often the key culprits sidestepping social and environmental safeguards on infrastructure projects. Chinese players generally have accommodated these Philippine demands.

  • Alvin Camba
· June 15, 2021