Benjamin Lee
James C. Gaither Junior Fellow, Asia Program

All work from Benjamin Lee

7 Results
In the Media
Trump’s First 100 Days in Asia

So far, 100 days into office, Trump appears to have offered an incoherent Asia policy marked by several continuities and discontinuities from the previous administration.

· April 28, 2017
In the Media
South Korea’s Dangerous Leadership Vacuum

South Korea’s ongoing political crisis is making it difficult to respond effectively to North Korean provocations.

· February 22, 2017
In the Media
South Korea’s THAAD Dilemma Continues

Neither suspending nor continuing the deployment of THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) is a palatable choice for South Korea.

· December 15, 2016
In the Media
In China, a Tale of Two Plenums: ‘Core Leader’ Vs. Collective Leadership

Media analysis of the sixth plenum of the eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China highlight Xi’s new “core” status, but documents from the plenum emphasize “democratic centralism.”

· November 15, 2016
In the Media
Strategic Implications of South Korea’s Political Scandal

The Choi Soon-sil scandal will have serious repercussions for strategic issues such as THAAD and South Korean cooperation with Japan.

· November 2, 2016
In the Media
THAAD and the Sino-South Korean Strategic Dilemma

The debate surrounding the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) deployment exposes a bigger issue: the strategic dilemma facing South Korea and China.

· October 7, 2016
In the Media
South Korea-Japan Comfort Women Agreement: Where Do We Go From Here?

Domestic opposition to the deal on the comfort women issue in South Korea continues to intensify, posing challenges.

· September 6, 2016