Brian Katulis

All work from Brian Katulis

3 Results
Divided Palestine—A Barrier to Peace?
July 21, 2010

While Prime Minister Netanyahu was received warmly on his recent visit to Washington, progress on the peace process remains in doubt. If direct negotiations are to resume, the split among Palestinians will hamper—and arguably prevent—the ability of President Abbas to negotiate on behalf of the divided people.

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After the Elections: A New Beginning for Iraq and the United States?
March 19, 2010

On March 7th, Iraqis went to the polls to vote in their second free parliamentary elections. The subsequent government formation process will have implications on the stability of Iraq and the U.S. effort to withdraw combat forces.

  • +1
Iraq’s Elections Highlight Gap in U.S. Policy

March 7 parliamentary elections will be an important test for the new Iraq that is emerging; meanwhile the U.S. administration has not yet considered what role Iraq will play in the region.

  • Brian Katulis
· February 16, 2010